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Venerable Anne De Xainctonge
Venerable Anne of Dijon
You were a woman of vision
Called and chosen for a Mission
Without any condition.
God called you to leave your land
To find a home in another land
"I am with you alwaysâ" He said,
To lead you and guide you on your way.
Being a woman of strength and calibre
You heeded the call of the Saviour
Left your home and people
In search of the land and your Mission.
After a long journey,
You entered the Gates of Dole
Where you found ladies of Mt. Roland
Awaiting you with joy and gladness
With a band of young women
You went about doing good
"Be ye little lamps" you said
"To dispel the darkness around you"
Your father a man of power
Tried to call you back home
But nothing could shake the undaunted you
Who loved God with all your heart.
Hours you spent before your Eucharistic Lord
And gained strength for body and soul
To teach and instruct women and girls
Who were hungering and thirsting for GOD.
Four hundred and fifty years have rolled since then
Ursulines have lit the path of women and girls
At home and in Foreign land
Spreading the KINGDOM OF JESUS far and wide.
We are happy and proud to hold up our banner
"Lighted to Light" the pathway of many
Come on Sisters, let's go forward
Happy to burn in the Service of the Lord.
Sr. Anne